Lancer Frigate added, same stats as Tartan Cruiser TIE Fighter replaced with V-wing at Level 1 Star Base

Empire - Added TIE Defender (only two squadrons allowed at a time, only buildable at Kuat) Republic Turrets now fire blue bolts instead of redġ. Added Super Star Destroyer for the Empire.

Fixed Republic Attack Cruiser non-population value bug Blue weapons now same size as Red and Green weapons Republic Attack Cruisers and General Dodonna gain SPHA-T Beam attack ability Luke gains Force Speed ability, loses Force Protect Obi-Wan, Luke, Darth Vader, General Veers all gain Field Commander bonuses Fixed ARC Troopers not trowing grenades Why? Because I could mainly, but also because I love the Republic.

That this is for EaW-only, I have no idea if it is compatible with FoC. This mod replaces the Rebellion with the Republic for EaW. Return of the Clones: A Rebel to Republic conversion V1.3